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Quality Guarantee


Quality Guarantee:

At MoonstoneSeven, we stand behind the quality of our products and are committed to your satisfaction. To ensure your confidence in our craftsmanship, we offer a Quality Guarantee under the following terms:

  1. Duration: Our Quality Guarantee covers a period of six months from the date of purchase.

  2. Scope: This guarantee specifically addresses manufacturing errors that may arise in our products.

  3. Case-by-Case Evaluation: We reserve the right to evaluate and determine the validity of each case individually.

  4. Replacement Shipping Costs: Please note that while we are committed to resolving any valid manufacturing issues, the shipping cost for any replacement item is not included in the guarantee. You will be responsible for the shipping charges unless the issue is brought to our attention within one week of receiving the product. If the manufacturing defect is reported within that timeframe, we will cover the shipping cost for the replacement item.

This Quality Guarantee reflects our dedication to delivering products of the highest standard. Should you encounter any manufacturing errors within the specified timeframe, please contact us at support@MoonstoneSeven.com with details and supporting evidence. We will assess the situation diligently and work towards a resolution that ensures your satisfaction.

Thank you for choosing MoonstoneSeven. Your trust in our quality is paramount, and we are here to ensure your experience with our products is nothing short of exceptional.

Sarah & Dashawn

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